Hello from your President Kerry Benson
m: 0409 860 001
Thanks to Vice President David and Secretary Gavin for their contributions to this newsletter. Clive is enjoying his new freedom & wondering what to do with his free time.
As Covid regs are mitigated we can operate more normally while still remaining respectful of safety. Club meetings still observe social distancing with spaced and sanitised seating and without masks. Suppers for all will resume when Covid regs. allow.
Standing about chatting and free movement is still not allowed in the auditorium so please take advantage of the bistro downstairs for social “eatin’ and drinkin’, chattin’ and laughin’. Approx. 8 - 14 or so members usually have dinner and/or drinks prior to a meeting and about 15 -18 or so have drinks & bs after, in the bistro. You are welcome to indulge. Bar closing depends on customer numbers but usually 9 – 9.30pm.
Our committee has been busy administering and planning for events, magazines, websites, newsletters, general meetings and committee meetings. We also are bound by changes in RMS regulations, Dept. of Fair-Trading legal requirements and Council of Motor Clubs involvement. Our host, Royal Motor Yacht Club also has to be compliant with outside regulatory bodies and we liaise frequently to determine what we can and cannot do. Dealing with changes and passing them to members keeps us busy!
Whilst the committee can provide a well administered club with about 100 opportunities per year for over 400 members to enjoy the benefits of fellowship with like-minded Pittwater motoring enthusiasts, it is the participation of members that determines the quality of the club. Friendships are formed and bonded at club events and we have some great people and vehicles in our club.
Active members have developed an amazing camaraderie and capacity for fun and enjoyment of our gatherings. John Kaye’s professional quality videos shown at meetings and now on the website showcase our success. Members have also generously supported others in need - be it in need of vehicle advice or mutual health and welfare support.
The number of inactive members however is concerning to me. Over half of our members have attended nothing at all this financial year and we could blame Covid for some of that – until we examine the attendance records of the last 3 years and find similar figures. I am well aware that some have genuine reasons for not attending but many have never attended anything. Memberships are due for renewal by June 30 each year. Our membership secretary and treasurer volunteer a lot of time to deal with the renewals. There is a full calendar of events (8 per month) for members to participate in between now and June 30. The best outcome is for all to attend something - we would love to see you and your vehicle/s.
However, as the club numbers grow, administration also grows and we may need to consider limiting membership to demonstrated active members and those who have been active in the past but are now unable to do so. In recent years members have signed applications agreeing to attend a number of events.
In general terms, obviously not all members are expected to attend everything but on the other hand I expect that almost all members would be able to attend something.
The above sentiments are my personal views but reflected in “Club Procedures” on the website.
Happy motoring,
Kerry Benson
Events Update from your Vice President David Cawthorn
m: 0413 998 971
This Sunday
The PMEA Club Run Event is to McCarrs Creek Reserve Church Point, where we are holding our FREE ‘Motorcycles Big Day Out’ BBQ from 8am.
The Club supplies all the food. Visitors and partners all welcome. Be sure to put your name on the Michael Andrews Memorial Trophy list for attendance, and bring your classic bike, car or hot rod for extra points. A $2 per person voluntary coin donation would be greatly appreciated. Prize giveaways on offer.
Please bring your own utensils, plates, cups and of course chairs! For motorbike riders, the club will supply the aforementioned items.
Thanks to Sam
Special guest Sam Princi from Machines and Macchiatos spoke to members at this week’s meeting about his Coffee N Cars monthly get togethers and their significant donations made to both Bear Cottage and Cure Brain Cancer charities.
He showed a wonderful video on a very proud owner and his E-Type Jaguar Type 2. For those members that missed the meeting, the video is featured on the ‘Classic Driver’ section of their website
Sam is always searching for owners to share their stories and feature their special cars, so if you too would like to have your wheels featured, please contact Sam on 0438 060 281 or via email
Thanks Catherine
A big shout out of thanks go to Catherine Barber, PMEA’s newly appointed prize officer, in charge of supplying prizes to the Committee for give away at both meetings and fortnightly runs. Thank you, Cathy!
Don’t Forget
Don’t forget in a few week’s time we will be soaking up the wonderful Saddles Restaurant atmosphere at Mount White on Sunday 7th March. Limited space still available, so please check the Events Calendar on our website for details on how to book. Cost is $70 pp for a fabulous 3-course lunch.
LAST CALL for articles for our next ‘Stay Tuned’ magazine, deadline is Monday 22nd February. Please submit to the Editor Andrew Willoughby.
David Cawthorn
Vice President and Events