Club Procedures

The following Club Procedures are to be read in conjunction with the document ‘Model Constitution under the Association Incorporation Act 2016 – NSW Fair Trading.’

Click HERE to view the Model Constitution


Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as PMEA or the Club.


PMEA is a non-profit club which aims to:

  1. Foster friendship among people with a shared interest in historic vehicles of all types, including cars, motorcycles and other types of machinery and equipment.
  2. Encourage the preservation, restoration, maintenance, use and display of such historic vehicles and machinery.
  3. Organise and/or attend events for members and with other like-minded organisations.
  4. Promote the spread of knowledge and understanding of PMEA among its members and the public generally. Participate in community events consistent with objectives 2.a) to 2.c).
  5. Donate each year to such charitable organisations as may be decided upon from time to time by the Committee a sum not less than twenty percent of annual membership fees for that year, such donations to be finalised in time to be included in the financial reports presented at the Annual General Meeting.
  6. Expend funds for the benefit of members as decided by the Committee.
  7. Produce and maintain a club website and publish a regular online magazine a minimum of six times per year in order to keep members up to date with the affairs of PMEA and to serve as a resource for other interested parties. From time to time communicate with members by email or such other electronic means as may be deemed appropriate.


A person wishing to become a member of PMEA must:

  1. Live in the Northern Beaches / Pittwater region to facilitate access to Club meetings and events.
  2. Attend a General Meeting to introduce themselves and submit a completed Membership Application Form.
  3. Pay the Joining and Membership Fees by bank transfer, cash or EFTPOS.
  4. It is anticipated that members will participate in Club events and the Club reserves the right to decline Renewal for members who, in the opinion of the Committee, fail to engage sufficiently in Club activities without good reason.
  5. Membership is open to all persons aged 16 years and above. Membership may be either as an Individual (Primary) or Family (Primary plus one Associate (spouse/partner))
  6. New members may purchase a name badge after joining and assume full membership voting rights.
  7. A person becomes an unfinancial member of PMEA and loses all voting rights if they fail to renew before the due date of June 30. Membership will lapse unless the renewal fee is paid by September 30.

Click HERE for full Membership information


  1. Only one Life Membership per year may be granted by the Committee. No member will be elected in that year if the Committee considers that no suitable candidate exists.
  2. The member must have ten years of membership accrued, be of good standing and an active participant in PMEA affairs to the fullest of their ability and in the judgment of the Committee, have provided outstanding services to the Club in order to earn its highest award.
  3. Life Membership will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
  4. A Life Member will thereafter be entitled to all privileges of membership without paying the annual subscription.


  1. One member (or if thought necessary, shared by two members) shall be chosen each year, unless, in the judgement of the Committee, no suitable candidate exists.
  2. The member must be of good standing, regularly participating in and making an exemplary contribution to PMEA affairs.
  3. The Committee will decide who the club member of the year is.
  4. The club member of the year will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.


Michael Andrews was a highly regarded member of PMEA. The Michael Andrews Trophy (MAT) is an annual award dedicated to his service and memory. It is presented at each AGM to the member with the most points accumulated in the past year for participation in activities listed on the Club Events Calendar.


  1. General club meetings will take place on alternative Tuesdays, or at such intervals as may be decided by the Committee and as scheduled in the EVENTS section of the website. Starting time is 7.30pm, or as decided from time to time by the Committee. Minutes of each general meeting will be emailed to members by the Secretary and available in the MEMBERS ONLY section of the website.
  2. Where controversial or other matters arise that may require lengthy discussion the President may refer such matters to the Committee for consideration and return at a later General Meeting with a proposed resolution to the matter.
  3. Committee Meetings will take place as required upon notification by the Club President or Secretary. The Committee shall meet at least four times a year. Additional meetings may be requested by any member of the Committee, with the agenda made known at the time of calling the meeting and the meeting notified by the President or Secretary.
  4. Three members of the Committee constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a meeting of the Committee.
  5. Officials and ordinary members may attend Committee meetings by invitation, but cannot vote.


  1. Every attempt will be made to hold the AGM before the end of July every year, but in any case, before the end of the year.
  2. The date of the AGM will be notified one month prior to the AGM. Nomination forms may be requested from the Secretary at this time for the election of suitable individuals to the following seven Committee positions:
    President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Ordinary Members.
  3. The business of the AGM shall be to confirm the minutes of the previous AGM, to present the President’s review of the year, to present the Annual Financial Reports, Members’ awards and any extraordinary items that may have arisen.
  4. Club Officials such as Permits Officer, Vehicle Inspector, Editor and so on are not required to be elected at the AGM and are appointed by the Committee from time to time as required for the effective running of the club.
  5. The final AGM agenda item will be election of office bearers for the coming year, conducted by the appointed Returns Officer:
    1. All Committee positions shall be declared vacant.
    2. Each member only has one vote.
    3. iii. Only financial members are eligible to vote.


  1. Nominations of candidates for election as members of the Committee will be accepted in writing, proposed and seconded by two PMEA financial members.
  2. Nominations must be delivered to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM. If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the committee, further nominations will be accepted at the AGM.
  3. Special committees or subcommittees may be set up from time to time for any purpose.
  4. The Committee is empowered to pay expenses incurred in the running of PMEA and authorises who may sign or endorse receipts, transfers or any other documentation on behalf of the Association.
  5. The Committee may make, vary and repeal by-laws for the regulation and management of the Association which shall take effect from the date of passing pending confirmation at the next general meeting.
  6. The Committee may perform all such actions and things as may be conducive to the welfare and control of the affairs of the Club.


The Committee shall provide one or more Club Stamps and for their safe custody, they shall not be made available or used except by the express authority of the Committee, and every instrument which bears the impression of the Club Stamp is to be signed by a member authorised by the Committee to do so.


  1. The Committee shall cause true accounts to be kept of the moneys received and expended and the matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure take place, and the assets and liabilities of PMEA.
  2. The Treasurer shall each month at a general meeting of PMEA submit a statement showing the financial position of the association. At the conclusion of each financial year a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account is to be presented at the AGM and published in the club newsletter.


  1. The role of Public Officer is customarily held by The Secretary or Treasurer, but at the discretion of the Committee, may be held by someone outside the Committee. This position must not remain vacant for more than 14 days.
  2. It is the Public Officer’s responsibility to notify Fair Trading NSW of any changes to the composition of the Committee, to the association’s financial position, to notify the Association’s contact details, and to lodge all necessary documents.
  3. The Public Officer’s responsibility extends to providing contact details to the Council of Motor Clubs (CMC), Northern Beaches Council for its Services Directory, RMS, and any references to PMEA on its own website or any other websites or social media sites.


Being a member of Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association qualifies individuals to register their vehicles under either the RMS’s Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS) or the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS). When registering and using your vehicle on public roads, members must fully comply with all regulations set out in the Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association Club Vehicle Registration Guidelines. Click HERE for further information.

When/if a member has a vehicle registered under either of the above RMS schemes, it is totally their responsibility to ensure their vehicle is fully compliant with all RMS requirements and that aný modifications pre or post registration have been fully disclosed to and approved by Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Associations authorised Vehicle Inspectors. The onus is on individual Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association members and NOT the club.

Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association does not operate under now superseded Permits Officer system.


  1. All members may attend approved events. Approved PMEA events are either circulated by fortnightly email, published on the Club’s website or that of CMC, or advised in the minutes of club meetings. For all other events a Log Book entry is required.
  2. Members attending approved events are advised to carry a copy of the Events Calendar, PMEA Minutes or other evidence of an event approved by CMC when requested to provide proof to Police of legitimate use of their historic vehicle.