23rd April 2021

Hello from your President Kerry Benson
m: 0409 860 001
This trial pre meeting newsletter advises our next meeting - Tuesday 27th April, to notify intended agenda items and generally assist organisation. Last meeting was attended by 64 members and 45 joined for après meet drinks to boost camaraderie. A great night!
Events manager, David Cawthorn is away touring the NSW mid west so we will refer to the website on screen where all is professionally presented.
Ron Howell can speak about the Drive-in event on May 8. I will speak about our Euro BBQ on 2nd May at McCarrs Creek and our first car boot sale and auction of special items on the day.
- Last Sunday run to Lilyfield was attended by 25 people who enjoyed the venue and sunshine. Thanks to David Cawthorn.
- The new website is now running and treasurer Graeme will demonstrate how to book for events online. To sign in, your email address is the User name and your password is your member number.
- Membership officer, Dave Coupland will speak about the membership renewal process which is much simpler now thanks to Dave and Graeme.
- Barry Ahearn will do a show and tell about his Mini restoration.
- David Rundle will interview Gavin Rea, our new Secretary who is a man of many talents with an interesting history of desirable vehicles and club stories.
- Unique Vehicle Display at RMYC on Sunday, 23rd May. We have over 45 entries so far. We expect 80 -90 entries. Please fill in an entry form available at the meeting and hand it to the RMYC receptionist or email to RMYC. Entries close 8May! So please get in early to make it a success. Forms available at the meeting.
- RMYC Flood appeal –please bring non perishable food, usable clothing, linen, blankets, cutlery, crockery etc. that could help people who have lost many of life’s basics. Items can be deposited in the foyer in the allocated area.
- Matters from the floor – members should feel free to contribute short matters of interest. Long stories need prior notification but are welcome.
Happy motoring and enjoy your club – your attendance is our measure of success!
Kerry Benson

Events Update from your Vice President David Cawthorn
m: 0413 998 971
Sunday Week - 2nd May
The PMEA Club Run Event is to McCarrs Creek Reserve Church Point, where we are holding our FREE ‘European Vehicles & Bikes Big Day Out’ BBQ from 8am. The Club supplies all the food. Visitors and partners all welcome. Be sure to put your name on the Michael Andrews Memorial Trophy list for attendance, and bring your classic bike, car or hot rod for extra points. A $2 per person voluntary coin donation would be greatly appreciated. Prize giveaways on offer. Please RSVP on the website to assist with catering numbers. Please bring your own utensils, plates, cups and of course chairs! For motorbike riders, the club will supply the aforementioned items.
Unique Vehicle Display Sunday 23rd May PMEA are again proud to participate in this annual unique charity fundraising display day at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Newport Bring your PMEA car or bike and display with pride, while helping a great cause. Prize awards given during the afternoon. This is our major fundraiser of the year, so whether you are participating, or just coming to enjoy viewing the cars and bikes, please do support your club and donate to a good cause. Entry fee $10 per vehicle. Entry closing date 8th May. Please contact myself or Kerry for entry forms. Club Volunteers needed on the day to assist on the gate, as marshalls for parking, and in half hour shifts to collect public donations.
Don’t Forget Following our successful visit to Saddles at Mount White, I have organised a similar breakfast event to The Deckhouse at Woolwich for Sunday 30th May. It’s a waterside café/restaurant with ceiling-high windows and fabulous Harbour views from both inside and the large verandah. We’ll also be able to display our classic cars in the Woolwich Dock/Marina area. Please check the Events Calendar on our website for further details. Cost is $33 pp (pre-paid only) for an upscale breakfast. Please pay at a General Meeting or EFT to Account name: Pittwater Motor, BSB: 062 205 Account number: 1046 7182 remembering to include your name.
Many thanks David Cawthorn