26th NOVEMBER 2021

Hello from your President Kerry Benson
m: 0409 860 001
Hi to all,
One more Wednesday meeting this year on 8 Dec, then next year we can revert to Tuesday nights which seem much more popular.
Special thanks to Kath Hunter for the website admin and to Linda Upton for taking up the regalia role. Ongoing thanks to Henry for his doorman welcoming duties. It is a big team effort now.
Capacity is 80 people in the Top Deck Room which is sanitised and has spaced seating so we have room for more to come. Attendees are encouraged to contribute motoring stories and adventures, tall and true. We try to make these meetings as enjoyable and humorous as possible. We use videos and member interviews to add to the fun. If you have not been for a while or are new, please come and enjoy the company of other enthusiasts. The bar downstairs is open until 9.30pm after for noggin & natter which is proving very popular.
Our auction for a race track day Thursday 16 Dec at Wakefield Raceway and accommodation/meals for 2 people in Goulburn on Wed 15 Dec resulted in the winning bid of $1200 going to Graeme Smith. This will be an exciting birthday for his son & brown trousers for Graeme. This prize has been donated by Belrose Rotary club and we are grateful for the opportunity for our members to participate. This is a great chance to experience a race track speed experience in race cars with a racing instructor with you and/or your partner at the wheel. This was hotly contested thanks to Rotarian auctioneer Brian Fairweather and project initiator, Rotarian Warren McGurgan. We share the $1200 equally with Belrose Rotary. Let’s hope we can repeat this next year.
At our Christmas luncheon we have capacity for over 100 people. Over 90 have paid. $35 each for members and spouses. We have extended the payment closing date until Thursday 2 Dec after which late entrants will go on a reserve list in case of late apologies. The club needs prep time for food and staffing so 2 Dec is the date we finalise numbers.
We can display about 15 vehicles on the lawn at RPAYC, weather permitting. Those who have booked (ie paid) and wish to display their vehicle can contact me on 0409 860 001. Preference for new vehicles and women members.
On a personal vehicle note I have finally acquired from England some new trim, carpets etc for my 1967 Jag – changing colour from the dreaded hot black to “biscuit” so the thread bare carpets can finally go after 54 years! At least the interior will look new – paint will await a lottery win.
To conclude I must express my gratitude to the committee, club officials and active members who contribute so generously of time and effort beyond all expectations for the benefit of the club as an entity. It is amazing that people can be so kind, capable & considerate.
Regards and happy motoring,
President Kerry Benson

Events Update from your Vice President David Cawthorn
m: 0413 998 971
This Sundays Event is to Nield Park Pavilion Café at Rodd Point. This is an open air café with large spacious undercover verandah with views. There is still space available, please book via the website, or if you are having trouble, contact me directly.
Best parking is Nield Ave, with a short walk to the café. There is no onsite parking. Weather forecast is looking good, but please check the website after 6pm Saturday 27th in case of last minute cancellation due to heavy rain.
Meet /Start: Meet 7.45am Mona Vale Library carpark. Depart 8.00am sharp.
Additional pick up: *Wakehurst Parkway: additional pick up point for those on the lower beaches, Dreadnought Rd Oxford Falls (outside Oxford Falls Peace Park-the older Xmas party place). We will watch for the cars to go past and then catch up.
Cost: $2 per person raffle ticket voluntary donation. Prizes to be drawn and given at the café.
Please help the organiser and fill in the MAT Attendance sheet ON ARRIVAL- you know the drill by now!!!
I would also really appreciate some assistance with the above on these regular Sunday runs, so I will be looking for a club volunteer on each occasion please to help me out. I really need to enjoy the day too 😌️😌
SUNDAY 12 DEC: PMEA Xmas Party, RPAYC Newport
Our annual PMEA Xmas party with car display is on again, scheduled for Sunday 12th December at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Newport. HURRY as limited spaces left and bookings are ONLY open for a short time longer- DEADLINE is Thursday 2nd December-no exceptions due to catering requirements.
Please refer to the Event page of the website for booking instructions and payments.
Please note: RSVP Booking via the website only indicates your intention to attend-your booking is NOT confirmed until you make payment. Please make payment ASAP after you RSVP for this Event.
We are also looking for a variety of vehicles to display on the day, weather permitting of course. If you are interested, please contact Kerry on 0409 860 001. Space for 15 vehicles and bikes only.
WEDNESDAY 15th DEC: Monthly Brunch Run, Rosebud Cafe Castle Cove
Following our Xmas party, our last Event for 2021 will be our mid-month Brunch Run on Wednesday 15th December to the hip Rosebud Café at Castle Cove. So come have a chat, coffee and bring your old wheels.
Note: later departure time at 10.00am from Kitchener Park Mona Vale.
Additional pick up: *Wakehurst Parkway: additional pick up point for those on the lower beaches, Dreadnought Rd Oxford Falls (outside Oxford Falls Peace Park-the older Xmas party place). We will watch for the cars to go past and then catch up.
Love to see some new faces on these runs in addition to the regulars. It’s a chance to go for a leisurely drive and give your motor a decent run.
All future PMEA Events and General Meetings will naturally be subject to the current COVID rules at that time. it is essential to regularly check the PMEA website for up to date information and amendments
***You will need to be fully double vaccinated to attend all PMEA Events***
Don’t Forget
IF you can’t attend an event after you have booked, please let us know. Preferably cancel via the website, or if you have difficulty, contact me directly.
ALSO, members have asked if they book an Event, and it is rescheduled, do they need to book again?
Answer: YES, as you may not be able to attend the new rescheduled date, so you need to book it again.
Keep those wheels turning!!
David Cawthorn
Vice President and Events