25th JUNE 2021

Hello from your President Kerry Benson
m: 0409 860 001
Greetings from the Northern Territory. I hope you are all coping with the latest COVID scare in Sydney and that the city won't be shut down and that I can get home next week.
A reminder that the AGM is still scheduled for 7.30pm Wednesday 7th July with attendees being required to comply with the COVID guidelines that may still be in place. If there any change or escalation in restrictions we will advise you accordingly.
Membership Renewal fees are now being accepted for the 2021 – 2022 financial year. Full details can be found on the Membership Renewal Form. Full renewal information should have also arrived by post to your letter box. Payments can be made at Club Meetings or you may EFT $50.00 to PMEA BSB 062205 ACC 1046 7182 to ensure registration/CTP on your Historic/Classic car does not lapse and that you will be entitled to vote at the upcoming AGM.
Happy motoring and enjoy your club – your attendance is our measure of success!
Kerry Benson

Events Update from your Vice President David Cawthorn
m: 0413 998 971
This Sunday
The PMEA Club Run Event was to Private Italian Car Collection visit at Mortlake/Breakfast Point. It has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the ongoing NSW Government changing health orders and a risk of fines for the organisers, as well as catering issues with Dom Panino.
The good news is it has been re-scheduled for Sunday 25th July. You will need to Click HERE re-register on the website for this new date.
Instead of visiting the collection this Sunday, we are now doing an impromptu BYO breakfast to Tania Park at Dobroyd Point, Bareena Drive Balgowlah Heights.
Depart Mona Vale Library carpark 8am or go directly to destination. All club members and friends are welcome.
Upcoming July Events
Be sure to join us for the following PMEA scheduled Event, to All French Car Day, Silverwater Park on Sunday 11th July. Always a great display of vehicles. French flavour PMEA light breakfast provided. Plenty of free parking either side of Silverwater Bridge off Clyde St. Entry fee for participants is $10.00 per car. It would be nice to see some other French car owners in PMEA display their vehicle as well. I know who you are !!
Upcoming PMEA Pre-Paid Events
Pre-paid bookings are now being accepted for All British Day for Sunday 17th October. EFT $10.00 per vehicle to PMEA BSB 062205 ACC 1046 7182 by the 20th July to avoid disappointment.
There are limited spaces remaining, the club has secured 30 tickets and 18 are already sold. Currently there are 12 tickets available.
BE SURE to also RSVP on the relevant Event page on the website.
Pre-paid bookings are now being accepted for the big Shannon’s Day at Sydney Motorsport Park (Eastern Creek Raceway) for Sunday 15th August. There are limited spaces remaining, the club has secured 25 tickets ONLY and currently there are 14 tickets available. NO additional tickets are available once sold out, so don’t delay and book ASAP.
EFT $25.00 per vehicle to PMEA BSB 062205 ACC 1046 7182 by the 20th July to avoid disappointment. BE SURE to also RSVP on the relevant Event page on the website.
Don’t Forget
The Mid-Month Brunch Run for July is a shorter run to a hip new café in Castle Cove on Tuesday 13th. Plenty of street parking. Departure time 10.00am from Kitchener Park, Mona Vale.
We had a really good roll up to our June MMBR to the Vanilla Crème Café at Annangrove and a great time was had by all. Photos to come on our gallery page soon.
Mid-Month Brunch Run (MMBR) have been moved from Wednesdays to Tuesdays for July, August and September only.
Regarding General Meetings, the next one scheduled for Wednesday 7th July also of course is our annual AGM.
The following General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 21st July will be a very special one!
It will contain an exclusive special interview with Graeme Smith and a wonderful video presentation, produced by John Kaye, of David Rundle's epic 1970 motorcycle journey and adventures from England to India.
Keep those wheels turning!
David Cawthorn
Vice President & Events.